The mental and emotional benefits of martial arts practice

The mental and emotional benefits of martial arts training is commonly referenced, but not that well understood. The following is an ongoing summary of my research and exploration into the mental and emotional benefits of martial arts. It also includes references to publications and reflections that speak to the somatic practices which can benefit martial artists.

NOTE: this page is forever evolving as new references are identified and reviewed - revisit it frequently!

Studies of the Effect of Martial Arts on Mental and Emotional Wellness


Embodying martial arts for mental health: cultivating

psychological well-being with martial arts practice

ABSTRACT | This article therefore contributes to the literature by reviewing recent work on psychological well-being and martial arts to determine whether there is substantive support for the claim that practicing martial arts can positively contribute to one lourishing with greater psychological well-being.


Martial Arts and adolescents: using theories to explain the positive effects of asian martial arts on the well being of adolescents

ABSTRACT | Need-based theories of well-being could be used by researchers and others to understand and explain why martial arts training improve the well-being of adolescents.


Martial arts and mental health

ABSTRACT | The martial arts of eastern origin work directly with the body. Can they too be beneficial for mental health?

Balance | Harmony of Mind, Body & Spirit


The Unfettered Mind

The classic study of no-mind and the inspiration for detachment from all in every martial arts practice.


In the Realm of the Spirit

The power of harmony



The Beginner - with Yoshigasaki Sensei 

ABSTRACT | A wonderful dialogue between two masters, and the art of presence from the martial and non-martial arts.

Martial arts references relevant to mental and emotional wellness

Psyche_and_Martial_Arts_Self_Realisation 1 Copy.pdf

Psyche and Martial Arts


Aikido - Coordination of Mind and Body for Self-Defense

Koichi Tohei

The Experience of Aikido By Ralph Pettman.pdf

The Experience of Aikido